December 22, 2009

A Start From Scratch

Mungkin semua macam baru and dah brubah but it still the same me.... Aq sebenarnya dah delete blog yg lame and create yg baru ni...any way baru-baru ni aq dah wat mcam2 benda yg baru dalam hidup aq... some might be lame... and some might be new to the world itself.. Memang syok apabila:

1) g scuba P.Pangkor
2) installed the new original Window 7 free!
3) created a face book acount(hehe..)
4) being crazy at ipoh
5)won rm 600
6) ........ and the list is continue

bnyak yg intresting yang aq wat dalam 2-3 weeks ago... its kinda a karma or luck or something happen around me... memang yg berlaku kebelakngan ni di luar imginasi aq cuti aq jadi... the best thing is when everybody connected back to me..... my friend cousin and the x...


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