April 30, 2010

moVinG oN~

just arrive home
miss that place already
i was thinking
running away from me
but sometimes
you are walking into my...
its like you are 
two different person
why dont you be the one?

April 25, 2010

eMpTy $oUl

banyak mende nak ckap 
tp x tau
nak start dari mane~
juz this week is full of 
doubt and trust
alliance and opponentS
truth and secrets
player and lover
man and women
to quit and not to quit
fate and luck
classmate and conflict
advice and support
friend and classmate
winnings and losses
exam dah dekat
tp makin dekat
makin banyak yang berlaku
makin banyak yang diketahui
makin banyak cabaran
makin banyak berfikir
juz hope it changes  

eMpTy $oUL

 "hear 2 dis:
this 4-letter-words is killing me!!!
If We Ever Meet Again
I'll Never Be The Same"

April 22, 2010

dUniA iNi mAinAN

baru semalam rasanya dunia ini cerah
walau di pagi hari (>12.00midnight)
namun hari ini 
dunia telah tunjukkan 
apa yang ku lihat
bagaimana reaksinya
kata-kata rakannya
sudah membawa 1001 kata
cuma memerlukan  1 kepastian
dari empunya
hendak bertanya tapi berat mulut
malu bertanya sesat jalan
kerana mulut badan boleh binasa
aku hanya boleh diam
menyimpan pertanyaan ini
akan aku cuba lepaskannya malam ni
aku hanya boleh berharap yang ia hanya mimpi
kerana kebenaran sentiasa lebih pahit 
untuk ditelan bersama realiti

"dunia ini sentiasa pahit kerana ia dipenuhi kebenaran mengenai ilusi"

April 18, 2010

~miXed me$$~

~miXed me$$~

what a week
its all mess up
been adviced in many things
from everyone
especially my mother
and some of friends
and one lecturer
plus the reaction
the face
the writting
cause me to think a lot
some of them are true
some of them not
maybe i should back off a little
i might spoiled it
but i might flavored it
at least i try
i dont know
its all mess up
kinda sad
crazy perhaps
donno why
its all mix up in me
had one chance yesterday
i let it walk away
its all mixed up
the crystal liquid
fall down through my cheeks


April 16, 2010

~wHaT a w0Rld~

~wHaT a w0Rld~
 what a day
my so-called friend post 
something on me again
i really want to reply it
but told not to do so
just before get to solat jumaat
got a call
it my mom
why at time like this?
the call ended
how the hell she know bout it
then his name came across my mind
my only devil-minded cousin!!
only he read my blog~
my mom gonna come here tomorrow
what gonna happen~ 
owh yeah~~
*ckap gaya The Rock~

April 15, 2010

s0Ng teLL EVErything

juz read someone's blog
not a friend
not an enemy
juz soemone
he meant me in his post
although he not mentioned my name
i never noe that this song was yours
i never meant to walk in your shadow
i really want to get rid of u
i never have that strength 
perhaps ehs never wanted to
but that song
really have 
one deep meaning~

sori for being busybody
and being to obvious
and perhaps selfish~

w0Rld wAnt t0 cLaP

3.45-4.00 p.m
such a bored day
class ended early
nothing to do
besides sleep
i dont wanna to sleep
its boring too
i'm juz thinking
am i clapping with one hand?
the other hands never give answer
or maybe i never ask
juz told me to wait and see
im not a man who like to wait
but for a true clap to be hear
i rather wait than nothing
but i am so insist for the answer
i dont to embrace my self
to wait for nothing
no one does
tell me when you get the answer?

i l0vE mY w0Rld~

~i l0vE mY w0Rld~

 thanks to u
teach me a lot of things
that i never imagine
that i never i dream
i want this to be endless
or at least
let me hope
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kau membuat ku berantakan
Kau membuat ku tak karuan
Kau membuat ku tak berdaya
Kau menolakku acuhkan diriku

Bagaimana caranya untuk
Meruntuhkan kerasnya hatimu
Ku sadari ku tak sempurna
Ku tak seperti yang kau inginkan

Kau hancurkan aku dengan sikapmu
Tak sadarkah kau telah menyakitiku
Lelah hati ini meyakinkanmu
Cinta ini membunuhku

Bagaimana caranya untuk
Meruntuhkan kerasnya hatimu
Ku sadari ku tak sempurna
Ku tak seperti yang kau inginkan

Back to Reff

…. Wooo…Uuhh…Haaa…

Lelah hati ini meyakinkanmu
Cinta ini membunuhku
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

u made me like this song
but it seem
juz seem like
related to u

April 8, 2010

~SeCrets 0f tHE WoRld~

~SeCrets 0f tHE WoRld~
baru dapat tahu 
banyak benda berlaku
yang tidak diketahui oleh diriku
ia berlaku didepan mata
tidak tahu apa yang diketahui orang lain
tahu apa yang orang lain tidak tahu~
biar atau siasat?
of course aq akan siasat!!!

April 7, 2010

tHE WorLd i$ fUll 0f mA$k

tHE WorLd i$ fUll 0f mA$k
" literally, 
mask use to cover our faces,
mask is lie and hypocrites",

Yang mana satukah harus aku percaya?
apa yag dilihat oleh mata ku sendiri?
atau penjelasan yang diberikan seorang rakan?
mungkin aku salah tafsir mengenai perbuatannya,
namun dia juga boleh menipu,
bukan ingin menuduh,
tapi perlakuannya tidak seperti 
apa yang diperjelaskan olehnya
tandanya sangat bertentangan dengan kata-katanya
aku mempunyai kepentingan dalam hal ini
jika dia mengacau kepentingan ku
haruskah aku bersemuka dengannya 
sebagai "orang lain"?
atau adakah aku patut berdiam diri atas nama RAKAN?

 which one is him?

April 2, 2010

tHE wORld AlwAYs SpInNIng

~tHE wORld i$ $pInNIng~

today is such a day
much more thing happens
wrote my life script
one of my favorite person
who always make me laugh
with his very commercial voice
is dead
it was all of sudden
juz within 3 days of suffer
he's dead
may God bless you

the gloomy day continues
the class in the Friday's evening 
really annoyed me
the day turned gloomer
when i had some little fight
with friend
it does annoyed me also
but this is how the world works isnt?
be patient boy!!!